A rock and roll attitude


When you see that something it’s not starting with the right step, let’s end it.

I need to trust my gut more. When a meeting is postponed like 10 times, when there is no communication over emails…first I’m thinking something like: pretty normal, everyone is busy and all. What makes the difference in the whole situation is what I feel.

I had occasions where I was really willing to help and collaborate, but somehow my enthusiasm was taken down by this weird feeling of seeing things stuck, jammed, slow. I think this is due to the fact I don’t see a rock and roll attitude on doing things.

It’s really hard to explain, because it’s a feeling. What I know for sure is that I tend to end these relationships, because I get more and more how important is to find people very similar to you when you need to establish a new work deal.

Why? Because I’m sick tired of working just for the fuck of it. I want to put passion in place. I want to see the same passion I have for stuff in people working with me. I’m willing to take risks , I’m willing to fail, I’m willing to take responsabilities, I’m willing to be fired if I did something wrong, I’m ready to win with you. But you have to show me the same passion, the same fear you want to delete with me, the same easy way of communicate.


That’s what I’m looking for and I need : a rock and roll attitude on doing things.

And by the way…it’s 2013. We can talk over skype, we can chat, we can do crazy shit via emails. Meeting is good, but sometimes it’s impossible without me or you losing money you don’t wanna spend. And it’s ok, I get it. But don’t waste opportunities just because the status quo of your mind is telling you “we need to have a meeting drinking coffee in the fucking office because that’s the way it always worked in the past 200 years” .

Be rock and roll. I cannot explain how you can do it, because it’s something you feel inside of you.

But let’s say that being easy and willing to change the status quo of things it’s a great starting point already.
