Things you can discover when linkbuilding

Backlink analysis is still part of the SEO routine. Thanks to this activity, you really can discover amazing websites, and amazing (sort of) techniques other websites are using to get good rankings.

Since I work for one of the so-called “boring niche” website, I’m still amazed on how much spam there is around, and how Google is rewarding it over “good quality backlinks”.

I’m not gonna mention the website that I analyzed but it’s one of the main competitor of the website I work for, and it’s ranking for A LOT of really good KWs with high search volume / high commercial intent, in a competitive country like United Kingdom.

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Google Direct Answer is fucked up (sometimes)

You guys probably saw already that Google tends to answer directly to questions in the search result page. So, theoretically, you can read the answer right away without going and read the whole article, from which that answer is actually taken. That thing is called : Direct Answer Box, and it’s part of Google’s plan on expanding the knowledge graph.

I was just making some searches (yeah, I should read a book next time), and I typed in “diet coke bad for you” in from Germany.

Here is the result Google presented to me:


Now, wait a minute….what???

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Marketing should look back rather than always forward


Working in marketing since 5 years, I realized how much time you spend to always search for a new idea, “something that still doesn’t exist”.  I focused my career on SEO and content marketing, and god only knows how many posts per day are written about the next big thing or “what companies should do” or even better “definitive guide to win your customers”.

There is a constant race to invent something new, and yet many companies are doing it wrong. Companies are asking copywriters to write no matter what, because “content is the way to go”. You rarely focus on the quality, because there is not enough time or enough money, or simply the important part is the number of posts written per month (yeah, nice KPIs). Companies are opening blogs, social profiles and so on that quickly become ghost cities or even worse a dump of everything created.

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SEO myth: a page loses visibility or relevancy if not crawled frequently by the spider

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I often hear SEOs say there is a link between a page’s crawl frequency and its visibility on the SERPs, like a spider request is related to a boost in visibility.

Even if it’s true that websites with high PageRank are crawled by Google more often and deeper, we cannot think there is a correlation with rankings. A resource is only crawled more often by the spider to check if the content has changed.

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