Meet your marketer: Max Johns

Here we go with another episode of “Meet your marketer“.

I met Max few days ago over a beer in Takapuna after almost a year I’m in New Zealand. He is going to introduce himself pretty soon, so I’ll skip it. The story is I virtually met Max when I decided that my next destination would have been Auckland, New Zealand. Looking in Linkedin for digital people based in Auckland, I found Max’s profile and since one of my passion is content strategy, I wrote to him asking to meet as soon as I would have arrived there.

That didn’t happen that fast. We stayed in touch via twitter and linkedin, and finally we were able to sit down for removing the word “virtual” to our meeting.

So with Max, the Meet your SEO/Meet your Marketer series is finally global. How cool is that? It sounds almost as cool as the new Aphex Twin LP coming out in a month. (I said “almost”).

All right Max, take the stage and rock on!

Max Johns

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Meet your marketer: Wayne Barker

Summer is coming here in Auckland, and it’s totally weird to see Christmas decoration when there are 30C and plenty of sun outside. I’ve been enjoying every minute of my new kiwi life so far (thanks for asking I suppose).

Since I’m in New Zealand, I feel more english in a way, and that’s why I decided to have a chat with Wayne Barker, head of online marketing at Boom Online, based in Nottingham, UK. He is one hell of a guy and marketer, and he is always keen to talk about SEO, marketing and music.

Ok mate, it’s your turn! Rock on!

Wayne Barker

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Meet your marketer: Doug Kessler

Yeah, I know. I put an end on the Meet your Marketer and Meet your SEO series. But as you should know by now, I like to change idea often, and so here I am with a new Meet your Marketer interview.

I was approached by BBC and SkyNews because they wanted a hint about this brand new episode, but I declined their interview because I want you guys know first who is the protagonist, the main actor today.

Today I have the immense pleasure to have a quick chat with Doug Kessler, co-founder and creative director of Velocity Partners, a B2B content marketing agency based in London, UK.

I was lucky to meet Stan when I was in London for Confab, and we had a beer in a typical English pub, sharing ideas and our thoughts on marketing. Stan invited me to meet all the Velocity family, and in that occasion I met Doug as well, and I had a nice lunch with him talking about a lot of interesting content marketing and content strategy stuff.

OK, enough about me. Let’s have this chat with Doug!

Doug Kessler

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Meet your marketer: Julia Logan aka IrishWonder

Welcome back everyone. Hope everything is good on your side.

So…a new episode of Meet your Marketer is beginning, but for those of you who always appreciated this series, I’m announcing the end of this series. Like Meet your SEO came to an end , I decided to stop even this series. I had a lot of fun, and I really want to thank all the people who were kind enough to participate , and I truly enjoyed to know more about few people out there.

But when it starts not to be exciting anymore, there I know I need to stop. As I told already, 2013 is going to be the year where new things are going to happen and where I need and must focus on something else to fly higher. And so, I need to stop some projects, like these interviews because basically changement requires to break some schemes. Many of you followed these two series like real fans, and read them all, always commenting and giving me suggestions. And I really appreciate this, I cannot even describe. So, thank you!

I will write some posts maybe in the future about my future choices, or maybe not. Anyway, thanks for being here and support me and all my posts!

Allright….enough. Today I have the pleasure to talk with Julia Logan , better known as IrishWonder (now, how many of you learnt about her real name for the first time??). Julia is a well-known SEO and online marketer, and you can read more about her thoughts on twitter or on her blog. She is also the CMO and project manager at Content Mango.

Ok Julia, let’s talk about a lot of stuff!

Julia Logan

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