Go with the flow

Meet your SEO: Moosa Hemani

Halli hallo! well it’s monday. And what is going to happen? YEAH. Good answer. Another episode of ‘Meet your SEO’ will be online. And in fact, it’s going to be.

For all of you liking summer and the music coming with it, I made a playlist in spotify with some Beach Boys’ music. I’m not a big fan of them, but I do enjoy their music and I strongly believe that some of their songs are masterpiece. Moreover, they are touring for their 50th anniversary. (if you are wondering, nope…I’m not paid for this ad, it’s only I like to share music. Better than 1000 words…).

Today I have the pleasure to have Moosa Hemani, in house SEO for a real estate company, amazing SEO and inbound writer at SE Talk and other blogs. You can read more about him in his personal page or Google Plus page. He is based in Pakistan and he is here to tell us a lot of things about SEO and other stuff.

Ready to listen? OK, let the party begin!

When did you enter the SEO world, and why ?

It’s about 4 to 4.5 years back I started an internship at my cousin sister’s software agency where my job was to submit articles… that all copy paste stuff take me to an obvious question that was: why is she paying me for such a lousy stuff? And this made me read more about what I was doing and slowly, after doing few wrong jobs, I actually figured out what really SEO is and I simply loved the right version of it.

A great tip about onpage optimization?

Title tag, everybody knows it’s important but very few people know the real art of crafting the right title that can help the website to get benefit from search engine and at the same time it looks really catchy to the reader.

The tip is to spend good time crafting title tags which helps your website get benefited from search engine while being ethical in the eye of your audience.

The most stupid thing people believe about onpage optimization?

Keyword density! I mean if you really believe on injecting keyword in your content at a certain density then you might be the 486 in the i7 era (I am sorry but I am frustrated with the request of injecting keywords in the content).

While developing the content for your website or a blog post or any content development, try to concentrate on your audience instead of search engine.

A great tip on how you build links?

I love to force people to link to me naturally. I research the industry and try to come up with something that audience cannot reject and start talking about it and eventually link to it. One of the things that I personally use for my clients is data presentation.

Research, compile and present the data to your audience the way they want and they will surly link to it as people in general love DATA!

The most stupid thing you heard about linkbuilding?

Social is the New Link Building. I think this is super stupid. In my opinion Social is important but there is no comparison between social and link building. Link Building is still important… yes with many recent Google updates people may have changed and evolved their link building tactics but still its LINK and not Social.

If you have to explain what you do at a 10 year-old kid , what are you gonna say?

Now that’s a tough call to me because my 40+ parents are still not really convinced with my explanation of what I do 🙂

I think I will say I help Google to rearrange their result list by bring the most quality websites to the front page against a query (of course I always take aid of examples because without them  all I see is a poker face).

What do you drink when seoing?

I am having my second cup of coffee while answering this interview and I have recently updated the Google+ mini blog about Caffeine addicted SEOs.

What do you think about SEO community?

I think it’s better than great… it’s phenomenal. I think SEO community is very open to welcome new people, new opinions and new mind sets.

Yes, there are few shit heads trying to destroy the name but I think this is common; I happen everywhere and with the time people and specially businesses will get to know the real power of SEO and digital marketing.

Make yourself a question and give an answer: 3 habits (In your opinion) that make a person a REAL search Geek?

[I simply loved this part]. There can be different for you but I think 3 habits that make one a REAL SEO or search Geek are:

1. Caffeine Addiction

2. Sleepless nights

3. Twitter Freak

Who is your biggest SEO influence?

Ann Smarty, Gianluca Fiorelli and the whole team of SEOmoz. They have really changed my life and the way I am thinking about SEO. They actually prove me that SEO is much more than I ever thought of.

If you weren’t an SEO, what would you like to do?

I think I would be a bad action 🙂 . I tried my acting skills in a tele-play for a national TV (it was pathetic) or maybe a public speaker as I think I am good at it!

Thank you very much for counting me in!

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