Wohoo! Amazing SEOs in this series. It’s been a blast till now, really. It’s like living a dream (maybe now I’m exaggerating).
You know what? I like the idea I had. Yeah, I know you are thinking: “well, everyone is doing interview nowadays”. And you’re right, it’s not the idea itself that is awesome. What is awesome it’s all that is happening right after I click on publish. People talking about it, comments, tweets, plusone’s, shares, feedbacks. I mean, isn’t this truly awesome?
I dream that two SEOs are going to meet for the very first time (let’s say in Philly). And they know already a little bit more about the each other because they read these interviews. Cool, uh? (disclaimer: it’s not that I really dream this thing, I tend to dream about being in the first row at one Nine Inch Nails’ concert).
Ok, enough talking.
Ladies and gentlemen, today I have the pleasure to talk with Aleyda Solis. Aleyda is the global SEO manager at Forex Club and consultant for Orainti, a search marketing agency. She knows tons of thing about international and local SEO, web analytics and social media. I mean, she is the one you want to have in your team . You can read more about her thoughts on her blog.
Since she is from Nicaragua…. listo para conocer un poco más sobre ella y SEO? (<< this is spanish, I don’t know if it’s right…blame Google Translate)