Fuck Facebook


DISCLAIMER: I reopened Facebook for a while, but in october 2013 I decided to close it again. In this post I wrote some thoughts I had, and part of them remains the same. New things could be added, but actually it’s not worth it. I decided to close it again because I don’t get the point. I really tried, but I don’t get it. I’m a twitter heavy user and I find it more useful and fun. For people complaining that could be my fault because I’ m not able to use it, COULD BE. But Facebook is a tool , and I don’t want to think how to maximize its use. It was a personal profile with some stupid shit on it. I’m not a brand or something, so without too much thoughts, I closed it again. Plus I saw bad things coming out from Facebook, things I don’t and won’t understand to not lose faith in people.

You can find me on twitter or you know…..in the real life (maybe at a NIN + QOTSA + Foo Fighters concert while drinking a Corona). Avoir,adieu,goodnight. 

here the original post:

I closed Facebook a week ago.

What a relief. I had only people complaining about stuff in there, and I had even a lot of “friends” that actually I don’t even know the real name in the real life.

People were sending stupid request like “add my birthday to your calendar” . You know what? I don’t even know your name, why should I remember your birthday? and even if I do add it, is it really important for you? I wanna know because at this point you have problems. Mental ones.

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