Meet your SEO: Jason Acidre

Today I have the immense fortune to have a chat with Jason Acidre, a search strategist based in Manila. If you want to learn more about him, you can read a lot of great SEO and online marketing tips on his blog, Kaiser The Sage.

In this interview, he’s going to tell you a lot of things, even for the very first time the girls he likes in the SEO industry. 

Ok, let’s go. 

Jason Acidre

When did you enter the SEO world, and why ?

I accidentally became an SEO on February 26, 2010 – that’s the date when I was first hired to be an SEO by an Australian-based SEO agency, and I didn’t know anything about it, even what SEO means during that time! I needed the money that time (because of I have to, for my son), so I tried searching for a writing job, then I emailed this agency, as I saw their job posting on craigslist, then when they emailed me back, they asked if I’ll be interested to work as an SEO for them instead of being a writer (they thought/feel that I’m fit for the job), so I said yes.

I tried to learn everything that I think I needed to learn about the job, all the basic stuff (I remember how I was amazed when I first learned how to create an anchor text for a link, haha), while doing the actual work. They provided me with lots of resources, so most of my days are spent reading those materials (ebooks from Marketing Sherpa and a lot more) and working (7 days a week, just to catch up with my teammates). Then after 2 months I got fired – but was immediately hired by Affilorama, where I think my true journey began. That’s pretty much all of it 🙂

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