Meet your SEO: Joel Klettke

Hello, and welcome to another episode of “Meet your SEO“. I had 7 interviews til now, and this amazing SEO is going to be number 8th. It’s not matter of numbers, it’s just matter of quality, and you can FEEL the quality, reading all the interviews.

I mean, everyone is saying: create great content and you’re done. Well, I didn’t even create it, because the amazing SEOs are the real protagonists here, and I am totally amazed by the success of the series so far. I have a lot of interviews to publish yet, and I’m waiting for some answers as well. I’m trying , many people are not even considering participate on this, but I don’t mind. I mean, I’m having fun and I know lot of you are, too. So, who is going to be next?

Ladies and gentlemen, I’m glad to introduce Joel Klettke. Joel is an SEO specialist at Vovia Marketing and I have to say he is one of the funniest SEO guys out there. He is Canadian, and many of you maybe don’t know , but he is the best looking man in the world. He writes amazing review on Yelp, he talks about stuff trying to change this fucked up world, and his tweets are extremely funny.

Let’s start, ok? Here is a photo of Joel surfing. I’ve been told he is able to do SEO and surfing at the same time. Amazing right? I know.

Let’s surf!

Joel Surfing

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