Scream for me readers! SCREAM FOR ME READERS!
Ok, sorry…I’m listening to Iron Maiden while writing this, so you know…I got excited! Talking about Iron Maiden, if you use spotify and you want some metal, I made a playlist called “Heavy F. Metal“.
Still burning heretics under our skies, religion’s still burning inside (Iron Maiden) …. how epic is that?
Ok, back to our series. Today I have the pleasure to have a quick chat with Melissa Weidenborner, a freelance SEO and content strategist from the awesome Philadelphia. I started to follow her on twitter few months ago, and I decided I wanted to learn a little bit more about her. I discovered she has a blog called Vintage and Nerdy, where she is writing about creative stuff she likes. I mean, awesome! not only SEO…YUHUU!
And then she is from Philadelphia, and in Philly there is a great SEO community. You don’t believe me? Well, take a look to Nick Eubanks’ post.
Ok Melissa…now it’s your turn.