Meet your SEO: Michael J. Kovis

Michael is a great guy. I mean, I don’t even remember how I started to follow him on twitter, but I know he has a sense of humor I really appreciate. Michael is even a great SEO, and he is always willing to help me with SEO tricks and stuff.

How I ended up to interview him? When I asked if he was willing to participate, this was his first email:


I am sorry, but I have to decline this offer. I don’t do interviews… Especially interviews about SEO.


I would be honored to do this for you. I appreciate the opportunity for this interview.

What date would you like to have my answers by? I know you mentioned I have plenty of time, but I would like to put in on my calendar as a reminder.

So I answered him back:

I changed my mind actually, I don’t have space for other interviews no more.


The rest is history! 😀

so, guys, here is Michael J. KovisMichael is the founder and CEO of TK421 Digital. He also does some good rants over twitter, and for me it’s always a plus 🙂 You can see Michael in the picture below. You have to guess who Michael is in this photo. Tip: he is not the one in the middle.

so ready for another episode of the “Meet your SEO” series? Let’s go.

Michael Kovis Continue reading