Well, well, well…this “Meet your SEO” interview series is becoming huge. I wanna thank each one of you, really, but I don’t have enough money to travel around the world. So let’s do in this way: if you wanna a cool thank you letter from me, you can write in the comment section or send me an email with your address, and I will write something funny for you BY HAND(ley)….one day that piece of paper is gonna worth at least 30$.
Today I have the immense pleasure to interview Peter Handley, SEO director at The Media Flow based in UK. Peter was one of the first real SEO I met on twitter , and he always was so generous with me giving me a lot of SEO tips and stuff. He was up for every project I wanted to do (like the SEO music post) and he helped me a lot realizing it. Moreover he is like a sort of English teacher for my poor english, and he is even quite cheap (10 pounds per hour). But the real reason I like this guy is that he is a great singer (watch this only if you are not sensitive). I read in a local newspaper he is well known in his city as “The new Freddie Mercury”. But I don’t think it’s right: Freddie Mercury sucks when compared to Pete.
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