The Fragile – an SEO perspective

SEO is resistence

It’s been a year since I became an SEO. I was a molecular biologist before (or at least this is what was written in my masters degree) and so I can tell you I was completely new to the world of search engine optimization.

I have to confess that when I was first contacted for the job, immediately after the call, I went to wikipedia (I know, lame) to read something about SEO, so that I could at least understand what this acronym meant.

These days I receive a lot of requests from people who read some interviews I did for Italian sites (I’m Italian, don’t you see the style in the photo?), asking me how I became an SEO manager, since my background was totally different.

Once again, I’m using a Nine Inch Nails’ album “The Fragile” (my favorite) to explain a bit what I learned in this year. After this, I will be writing some stuff (some rants or funny stuff) and carry on the amazing “Meet your SEO” interview series. I started to do some guest posting, and  I wanna say thank to everyone who asked me (you know who you are, even because you are 3 people) but I’m gonna stop because there is already too much saturation on the SEO world and I realize I’m not adding anything new or groundbreaking to the SEO community. So, it’s better for me to shut the fuck up and do something.

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